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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enAnisef, Paul; und weitere
InstitutionOntario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto.
TitelThe Pursuit of Equality: Evaluating and Monitoring Accessibility to Post-Secondary Education in Ontario.
Quelle(1982), (151 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Access to Education; Data Collection; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Demand; Equal Education; Ethnic Stereotypes; Federal Aid; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Incentives; Money Management; Public Policy; Research Needs; Taxes; Welfare Services; Canada
AbstractA report on the current status of accessibility to university education in Ontario has several major objectives: to review the social science literature on such concepts as equality of educational opportunity and accessibility, considering the social, political and intellectual climate of the times; to examine parliamentary minutes and reports of commissions and other bodies to show the controversy over goals for university education in the province and to determine which policies have been pursued by government; and to examine social science research documenting patterns of postsecondary education participation. Throughout the study, a social stratification framework was adopted for analysis. Resulting recommendations include these: government implementation of compensatory education programs at the provincial level; institution of summer learning programs aimed at economically disadvantaged elementary school children; use of external consultants to review early socialization effects on postsecondary participation; systematic funding to evaluate programs for economically disadvantaged; staff and administration incentives for encouraging postsecondary participation; changing ethnic stereotypes in texts; encouragement through counseling and role modeling for students; continuous government monitoring of accessibility trends; extension of census practices to include adolescents; research on factors influencing postsecondary participation; options for voluntary educational savings accounts for welfare recipients; and an income tax deduction for higher education savings. A bibliography is included. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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