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Autor/inSutcliffe, Michael
TitelLocal Political Activism in the American City: Columbus, Ohio, 1900-1980.
Quelle(1982), (24 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterActivism; Citizen Participation; Neighborhood Improvement; Neighborhoods; Political Attitudes; Social Attitudes; Social Science Research; Urban Studies; Ohio (Cleveland)
AbstractThis paper examines local political activism in Columbus, Ohio, between 1900 and 1980. There are two major parts to the paper. First, through a content analysis of a local newspaper "The Columbus Dispatch" over the past 80 years, the salient issues and context within which neighborhood activism occurs are defined. Data were obtained from "even-years" newspapers. Broad trends were discernible in both the intensity of neighborhood activism and the changing focus of the conflicts. Neighborhood activism increased dramatically during this period, with marked increases in the 1960s and 1970s. The major areas within which instances of activism were found included: rezoning (39.7%), the provision of urban services (33.4%), and conflicts over roads (19.2%). Most interesting was the shift from conflicts over the provision of services toward a concentration of neighborhood activism on those "developments" which threatened the neighborhood. In the second section, the conditions which prompted these changes in neighborhood activism are described. The first condition is the "commodification" of the neighborhood. The neighborhood is seen as a commodity, characterized by certain objective properties such as public safety or certain types of people and answering to certain needs. If these needs are not satisfied, residents relocate or remain in the neighborhood and control through a coalition with others the character of new residents and land developments. The second condition is the purification of the living place. For example, in an effort to keep out those lower in social status, many neighborhood activist groups fought for zoning ordinances. The result is the purified neighborhood. (RM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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