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Autor/inWalstad, William B.
InstitutionLesley Coll., Cambridge, MA. National Center of Economic Education for Children.
TitelProceedings: 1980 Research Conference on Economic Education for Children (Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 1-4, 1980).
Quelle(1980), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Children; Curriculum Development; Economics Education; Educational Needs; Elementary Education; Evaluative Thinking; Research; Research Needs; Research Opportunities; State of the Art Reviews; Teacher Role
AbstractThis document contains an outline of topics discussed and a statement of purpose of a conference convened to review research on economics education at the elementary school level. A major purpose of the conference was to encourage an exchange of ideas among economists and educators regarding the latest research findings and recommendations in various areas of elementary level economics education, including curriculum, teaching methods, and future program needs. Specific conference objectives were to define the state of current understanding of how children learn economics, identify priority research questions in economics education for children, and suggest organizational forms or activities that would encourage additional research. Although no formal papers were presented, discussion in the large and small group sessions centered on the following topics: (1) rationale for having children study economics, (2) curriculum development and curriculum needs, (3) appropriate economic concepts at various grade levels, (4) evaluating children's economic learning, (5) the role of the elementary school teacher, (6) research methodology, and (7) ideas to facilitate new research. For each of these topics, information is presented on scope of the questions, major approaches which have been taken in research on the topic, time periods covered by existing studies, policy implications of various research recommendations, variables which new research should consider, and methods which additional research might use. In addition, approximately 10 research ideas are suggested for each topic. A bibliography of research studies on elementary level economics education concludes the document. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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