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Autor/inNicholes, Daniel R.
InstitutionAllegheny Intermediate Unit, Pittsburgh, PA.
TitelCommunity Views of Responsible Citizenship: A Report of Seven Community Citizenship Committees.
Quelle(1979), (28 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdvisory Committees; Citizenship Education; Community Involvement; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Public Opinion; School Community Relationship; School Districts
AbstractA report of community opinions about responsible citizenship in seven Pennsylvania school districts is presented. The document is organized into three parts. Part I, a description of four community citizenship committee models, outlines the criteria which participating school districts considered in forming their committees. Committees chose to organize into a representative community committee, a community task force, school-community committee, or community educational planning committee. Part II, the major part of the document, reports the experience of each school district. Each report begins with a description of the committee structure, followed by that district's definition of responsible citizenship and the committee's expectations for positive citizenship behavior. The final section summarizes the work of the seven communities. Six areas of expectation emerged from the citizen advisory committees: respect, rights, and responsibility; community pride and participation; positive attitudes toward business; traditional democratic values; citizenship skills and processes; and citizenship knowledge. These six areas will provide the bases of instructional objectives for classroom strategies. (Author/KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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