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Autor/inPeevers, Barbara Hollands
InstitutionCalifornia State Univ., Chico. School of Behavioral and Social Sciences.
TitelMale Attitudes Towards Feminism: Possible Antecedents and Consequences. Discussion Paper 79-8.
Quelle(1979), (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Age; Attitudes; College Students; Employed Women; Family Characteristics; Feminism; Males; Middle Class Students; Mothers; Pictorial Stimuli; Projective Measures
AbstractThe research described in this paper was designed to assess the attitudes of male college students toward feminism, to analyze possible relationships between these attitudes and certain demographic characteristics of the family of origin, and to determine whether such attitudes affect the structuring of social stimuli. It was hypothesized that (1) male college students whose mothers were employed while the young men were in high school would have more positive attitudes toward feminism than those whose mothers were not employed, and (2) male college students who had highly positive attitudes toward feminism would demonstrate a different structuring of social stimuli presented to them in a projective test than would males with opposing attitudes. The study utilized a projective test in which each of 165 participants received a set of pictures of women engaged in a variety of activities. Participants were requested to write stories in response to standard TAT questions printed under each picture. The content of each story was rated feminist/non-feminist, and coded in terms of affect, traditional/nontraditional attitudes, and correct gender perception. It was found that sons of women employed in full time professional positions are most likely to develop attitudes favorable to feminism, particularly as they grow older. (Author/GC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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