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Autor/inHall, Gene E.
InstitutionTexas Univ., Austin. Research and Development Center for Teacher Education.
TitelImplications for Planned Dissemination, Implementation, and Evaluation Revealed in the SRI/NDN Evaluation and Levels of Use of the Innovation Studies. Procedures for Adopting Educational Innovations Project.
Quelle(1978), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdoption (Ideas); Change Agents; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Educational Innovation; Federal Programs; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Program Implementation; Technical Assistance; Levels of Use of the Innovation
AbstractA key assumption of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) is that change is a process, rather than an event. The Procedures for Adopting Educational Innovations Project is working to identify and verify diagnostic dimensions of CBAM, and to develop tools to measure the developmental status of users and non-users; these concepts will help change agents in deciding what interventions should be made. Another research effort which has tested the dimensions of the CBAM is Emrick et. al's. evaluation of the National Diffusion Network (NDN). This evaluation has identified successful change strategies at the various stages of the dissemination and implementation process. These stages correspond to Hall et. al's Levels of Use of the Innovation, one dimension described in CBAM. Other CBAM dimensions include Stages of Concern about the Innovation and Innovation Configurations. A review and comparison of these two studies results in these conclusions: (1) both studies describe logical relationships and processes; (2) both studies identified three similar pre-use phases; (3) further study is needed of levels of use by larger (non-individual) institutions; (4) clearer guidelines are needed concerning the timing of intervention by change agents; and (5) effective change agent activities with respect to client diagnosis were identified. (GDC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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