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InstitutionCommission on Civil Rights, Washington, DC.
TitelHearing Before the United States Commission on Civil Rights (Phoenix, Arizona, November 17-18, 1972).
Quelle(1972), (506 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRecht; American Indian Education; American Indian Reservations; American Indians; Bilingual Education; Civil Liberties; Civil Rights; Economic Development; Educational Needs; Elementary Secondary Education; Employment Opportunities; Employment Practices; Federal Indian Relationship; Health Services; Higher Education; Justice; Medical Services; Natural Resources; Self Determination; Tribes; Arizona
AbstractThe U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held two days of hearings in Phoenix to investigate the civil rights status of Arizona Indian Tribes, to ascertain the nature and extent of their problems, and to try to arrive at a means to rectify those problems. The testimony offered at the public session came from representatives of local, state, Federal and Tribal governments, persons from the private sector, and individual citizens. In an opening statement, Donald R. Antone, President of the Intertribal Council of Arizona, spoke of the differences in needs and desires between city-dwelling and Reservations and of the paternalistic intervention in reservation affairs by outside "do-gooders". He also listed education, welfare, industrial and tourism development, and taxation and services to Indians by the State of Arizona as the four areas of most critical need. In another overview, two representatives from the Mojave and Colorado Rivers Tribes discussed employment problems, particularly limited chances for job advancement, misuse of Johnson O'Malley funds, enforcement of Public Law 280, poor medical service, and welfare difficulties. Medical needs were further explored in a series of testimony that included three panel discussions by the San Carlos Apaches and Indians residing in Phoenix and Tucson. Also discussed in the hearings were problems relating to education, administration of justice, and employment practices and opportunities. (DS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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