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Autor/inn/enAndrews, Glenn; und weitere
InstitutionAuburn Univ., AL. School of Education.
TitelA Demonstrated Prioritization Model for Curriculum Development in Alabama's Vocational-Technical Education System. (Vocational Education Curriculum Operation--Management Plan) Publication No. 4.
Quelle, (60 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Agricultural Education; Curriculum Design; Curriculum Development; Demonstration Programs; Guidelines; Home Economics Teachers; Management Systems; Models; Needs Assessment; State Programs; Trade and Industrial Teachers; Vocational Education; Alabama
AbstractOne aspect of the State/Federally funded project VO-ED COMP (Vocational Education Curriculum Operation-Management Plan carried out in Alabama during 1978) was the determination of priorities for curricular development and management functions in Alabama's vocational technical education programs. A needs assessment study was made at the 1978 secondary and postsecondary vocational work conferences. An instrument was developed, trial tested and administered during the registration at each conference. Respondents were primarily vocational teachers in trade and industrial, home economics or agribusiness educaiton. Audiovisuals were in greatest demand, followed by teacher guides and studen materials. Curriculum information most needed were lists of training aids, disadvantaged/handicapped materials and lists of references; curriculum services most needed were help with locating instructional materials, inservice workshops (industry- and school-sponsored) and college credit curriculum courses. The researchers called for yearly assesment of needs, broad representation of personnel in needs surveys, broadly-based development of instructional materials to meet diverse needs, increased availability of audiovisuals/student materials/teacher guides, and expansion of availability of the curriculum information and services checked by respondents. Program areas identified as top priority for curriculum development in Alabama included agricultural production, accounting/computing, practical nurse, carpentry, ornamental horticulture, apparel/accessories, drafting, and industrial electricity. (Author/CT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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