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Autor/inn/enAnderson, Kenneth E.; Acero, Herman D.
InstitutionColombian Inst. for Promotion of Higher Education, Bogota.
TitelGuidelines for Planning in Higher Education.
Quelle(1974), (149 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Access to Education; College Planning; College Role; College Students; Conceptual Schemes; Definitions; Educational Development; Educational Objectives; Educational Problems; Enrollment Projections; Foreign Countries; Governance; Guidelines; Higher Education; Management Systems; Models; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Statewide Planning; Colombia
AbstractGuidelines for planning in higher education (which might have an application in Colombia) are described. Chapter 1 provides an expanded definition of higher education that includes noncollege channels to lifelong education and embraces all viable postsecondary education. Chapter 2 addresses current problems facing higher education, such as lack of statewide planning, proliferation of programs and institutions, lack of educational opportunities for all citizens, unsatisfactory financing, and inadequate measures of performance. Chapter 3 presents a general view of higher education, principles for development of higher education, and goals and objectives for higher education. In chapter 4 focus is on governance and management and proposals for both a state commission and a management agency are presented. Chapter 5 covers enrollment forecasting and describes an analytical procedure for predicting the number of potential college and postsecondary enrollees. Needs, aspirations, and accomplishments of high school seniors, high school graduates, vocational-technical students, seniors and graduates of private four-year colleges, public colleges and universities, and community junior college students are examined in chapter 6. Chapter 7 summarizes educational planning model applications and capabilities, and chapter 8 provides a report of the status of the model system in 1970 and lists 12 recommendations growing out of the program evaluation. (BD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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