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Autor/inn/enConnelly, F. Michael; und weitere
InstitutionOntario Dept. of Education, Toronto.
TitelThe York University Biology Achievement Test. A Case Study of the Relationship Between Curriculum Policy, School Program, and External Testing.
Quelle(1978), (131 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAchievement Tests; Administrator Attitudes; Biological Sciences; Cognitive Objectives; Curriculum Development; Difficulty Level; Foreign Countries; Postsecondary Education; Science Curriculum; Science Tests; Teacher Attitudes; Test Reviews; Test Validity; Textbook Evaluation; Canada; Canada (Toronto)
AbstractThe York University Biology Achievement Test (YUBAT) and its use in the Metropolitan Toronto (Ontario) schools were examined. YUBAT was compared with the province's grade 13 biology curriculum guideline, and with representative courses and textbooks. This analysis revealed much similarity between the test, courses, and two textbooks used. The cognitive level of YUBAT was considerably lower than the level specified in the guideline or the achievement level reported by teachers. It was recommended that test aims be specified so that reliability and validity could be estimated. Data were also collected from 67 teachers who had used the test. They valued the test as a measure of student achievement, but not as a measure of school curriculum or effective teaching. They felt that YUBAT would influence course content, but not teaching methods or evaluation methods. Most recommended that the test be continued on a voluntary basis. Principals were more supportive of test use than supervisory officials. All sources generally concluded that the test permitted recognition of outstanding student achievement, but did not achieve the goal of greater between-school uniformity in the grade 13 biology curriculum. Questionnaire items and data are appended. (Author/GDC)
AnmerkungenOntario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2, Canada ($2.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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