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Autor/inn/enGunderson, Margaret Stanton; und weitere
InstitutionGeorgia State Dept. of Education, Atlanta.
TitelComprehensive Career Guidance. Competency Rating Scale Manual. Grades 2-4.
Quelle(1977), (102 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Behavior Rating Scales; Career Awareness; Career Development; Career Guidance; Career Planning; Comprehensive Guidance; Consumer Education; Educational Objectives; Elementary Education; Fused Curriculum; Grade 2; Grade 3; Grade 4; Guidelines; Interpersonal Competence; Measurement Techniques; Performance Criteria; School Guidance; Skills; Student Evaluation
AbstractPresenting a set of guidelines for grades 2 through 4, this teacher's manual is one in a set of three competency rating scales which provide guidelines for the infusion of career guidance concepts into the elementary school curriculum. These rating scales were developed by the Georgia Comprehensive Career Guidance Project (Final Report, CE 018 130), which organized the career guidance needs of students in kindergarten through grade 6 under three domains: interpersonal effectiveness, work and life skills, and life career planning. These domains encompass thirty comprehensive goals which are divided into developmental objectives and are in turn further reduced to the specific competencies on which the scales are based. (The complete listing of domains, goals, and objectives is appended to this document.) The manuals are organized developmentally so that comparisons can be made between individuals or between groups. The use of the competency rating scales is described in this manual under the following sections: organization of skill level criteria; skill level criteria for grades 1 through 4; opportunities for rating students; examples of test situations; the rating scale (degree of proficiency); the rating form; and detailed directions for rating students. Examples of the student rating form and the developmental profile and suggestions for the use of the information obtained through the scales are also included. (Rating scales for grades K-1 and grades 5-6 are found in ERIC documents CE 018 131 and CE 018 133, respectively.) (BM)
AnmerkungenVocational Education Materials Center, Room 124, Fain Hall, Division of Vocational Education, College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30601 ($2.00)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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