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Autor/inEdin, Stanley A.
TitelAttributes of Secondary Vocational Center Training: Nature of Programs and Student Perceptions and Plans.
Quelle(1977), (84 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBus Transportation; Demography; Educational Attitudes; Educational Objectives; High School Students; Learning Motivation; Occupational Surveys; Regional Schools; School Attitudes; Secondary Education; State Surveys; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Characteristics; Vocational Education Teachers; Vocational Schools; Minnesota
AbstractA total of 3,590 students, 155 instructors, and the directors from nineteen of the fifty-nine Minnesota secondary vocational centers participated in a study to collect information about the centers. Focus of the student information was on characteristics by age, sex, parental occupations, etc.; the extent to which students are bused, the time spent in transit, and attitudes about bussing; influences and student perceived reasons for enrollment; and significant differences between males and females, juniors and seniors, students from different geographic regions, and bus riders vs. non-bus riders. Instructor information sought to describe the staffs in terms of basic biographical data, occupational work experience, education, professional trade/business and/or community organization membership, and opinions/attitudes on a variety of center related issues. Significant staff differences were identified by sex and geographic area. Findings showed that 70% of the students ride a bus to the center and that their attitude toward the ride is the most negative aspect of their center experience. In general, student attitudes toward their vocational experience are very positive and they recognize its impact on post-high school plans and life work goals. Student reasons for enrollment parallel statewide vocational center objectives. The typical instructor is under 35 with a bachelor's degree, tends to be more active in community than in professional organizations, uses competency based curriculum, and prioritizes instructional goals as follows: occupational exploration, preparation for advanced training, and job placement. (Questionnaires and data analyses are included.) (VB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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