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Autor/inBradley, Curtis H.
TitelThe Ten Day Microsupervision Workshop.
Quelle(1977), (50 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Administrator Guides; Inservice Teacher Education; Microteaching; Program Design; Resource Teachers; Supervisory Training; Teacher Educator Education; Teacher Supervision; Teacher Workshops; Videotape Recordings
AbstractIntended as a guide for planning and conducting a ten-day microsupervision workshop, this paper describes the various components of such a workshop as it is conducted at Temple University for training resource persons--experienced teachers who help new teachers in competency based teacher education (CBTE) programs. As defined here, microsupervision involves the use of video recording of a scaled-down experience in supervision to enable learners to practice the component skills of conducting supervisory conferences. It is pointed out, however, that in the Temple program participants actually do microteaching too in order to feel as well as understand what the teacher-in-training experiences. Objectives listed for the workshop are to enable participants to assemble and operate a half-inch video system sufficiently to tape and replay teacher lessons, evaluate teaching performance using objective criteria, and demonstrate conference supervising skills. The series of learning activities described involves the workshop participant in roles of resource person, student, video operator, conference supervisor, and microlesson teacher. A daily schedule for the 10-day program outlines parallel activities of the instructors (senior teacher educators) and participants (resource persons-in-training). Workshop staff requirements are suggested for workshop director, assistant director, senior teacher educator, consultant senior teacher educator, and video technician. Also included is a description of needed facilities, equipment, and supplies. A selected bibliography on microsupervision and a number of critique forms and other program materials are appended. (JT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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