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Autor/inn/enLeidenfrost, Nancy B.; und weitere
InstitutionExtension Service (USDA), Washington, DC. Div. of Home Economics.
TitelParaprofessionals in Home Economics Programs for Low-Income Families.
[Report No.: PA-1173
Quelle(1977), (58 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Adult Vocational Education; Community Involvement; Curriculum Guides; Educational Objectives; Extension Education; Home Economics; Job Training; Low Income Groups; Needs Assessment; Paraprofessional Personnel; Personnel Evaluation; Personnel Selection; Program Content; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Recruitment; Teacher Education; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis booklet was developed as a guide for home economists who are responsible for teaching paraprofessionals (individuals who usually have no college degree and are trained and supervised by county home economists) how to teach low-income families. The content is in seven short sections: (1) Planning the Program discusses available resources, understanding your audience, determining objectives, community involvement, program records, and compliance with federal employment regulations; (2) Employing Paraprofessionals covers job descriptions, recruiting, interviewing applicants, selection criteria, notifying applicants, and an employee handbook; (3) Training Paraprofessionals discusses designing and implementing the training curriculum; (4) Reaching The Audience presents information on teaching paraprofessionals how to find and recruit clientele; (5) Teaching Low-Income Families discusses understanding the learner, identifying the learner's needs and interests, and teaching techniques; (6) Supervision covers the supervisor's role, employee morale and job satisfaction, rules, autocratic versus human relations approach, counseling interviews, performance appraisals, and rewarding paraprofessionals; (7) Evaluating the Program discusses what evaluation is, steps in evaluating, and evaluation tools and techniques. An appendix includes steps for gaining community support of the program; sample employment application; self-evaluation form for aides; hierarchy of human needs (suggestions for teaching); supervisor's form for evaluating an aide's performance; and a food behavior check list. (EM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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