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Autor/inn/enBina, James V.; Hull, William L.
InstitutionOhio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Vocational Education.
TitelOrganizing and Conducting Demonstration Projects in Vocational Education. Research and Development Series No. 117.
Quelle(1977), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Administrator Guides; Demonstration Programs; Diffusion; Organizational Communication; Program Development; Program Evaluation; Resource Allocation; Vocational Education
AbstractThis resource book, designed as a planning tool for demonstration project directors, discusses the following six key elements which have application at all three stages of a demonstration project: (1) Objectives, (2) resources, (3) endorsement, (4) communications, (5) evaluation, and (6) outreach. Each of these elements is discussed within the context of demonstration projects regarding plan, operation, and replication. Each chapter is organized into a discussion of the essential elements, action steps for implementing the elements by stages, and an activities checklist. Project directors may also use this guide to determine the adequacy of activities in the operational phase of a demonstration project. (Information in the guide is based on a mail survey response from 54 federally funded exemplary project sites in the spring of 1976.) (LAS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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