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Autor/inn/enBronaugh, Juanita; Ayers, George E.
InstitutionRacine Unified School District 1, WI.
TitelMultiethnic Materials. A Selected Bibliography.
Quelle(1976), (78 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Audiovisual Aids; Bias; Bibliographies; Black Culture; Black History; Cultural Education; Ethnic Groups; Human Relations; Instructional Materials; Intergroup Education; Mexican American History; Mexican Americans; Minority Groups; Multicultural Textbooks; Racial Integration
AbstractThis selected bibliography was prepared for the Racine, Wisconsin School District by the Title VII (Emergency School Aid Act) project for use by teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, librarians, and other professional and support personnel employed by the district. All of the materials listed in the bibliography--professional articles, books, pamphlets, films, filmstrips, audiotapes, and other reference materials--have been obtained by the Title VII project and for use throughout the school district. The contents of this bibliography are organized into ten parts, as follows: (1) Discrimination/Prejudice/Racism, (2)Segregation/Desegregation/Integration, (3) Intercultural/Human Relations/Education, (4) Black Americans, which includes sections on aspects such as culture and history, biography, fiction, poetry, art/legends/music/plays, audio-visuals, and periodicals, (5) Mexican-Americans, (6) Native Americans, (7) Other Ethnic Groups, (8) Ethnic Cookbooks, (9) Directory of Publishers, and (10) a directory of Audio-Visual Suppliers. (Author/JM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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