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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enButler-Paisley, Matilda; Paisley, William
InstitutionStanford Univ., CA. Inst. for Communication Research.
TitelCommunication for Change in Education: Educational Linkage Programs in the 1970's.
Quelle(1975), (157 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgency Cooperation; Communication (Thought Transfer); Coordination; Costs; Educational Research; Information Networks; Information Retrieval; Information Systems; Library Networks; Models; National Surveys; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; State of the Art Reviews; Use Studies
AbstractEducational linkage is a system for sharing facts, ideas, values, and skills related to educational work. An extensive survey was made of educational linkage programs, and an evaluation procedure for these programs was designed. Over 40 linkage models were classified as to level of sponsorship and/or service, institutional setting, services provided, focus of service, interaction with client, initiative for undertaking services and evaluated as to simplicity and applicability. To obtain cost factors, 24 kinds of linkage systems were grouped according to retrieval services, publication services, media services, and interpersonal services. An analysis of 1,294 responses to a questionnaire was made to obtain projections for changes in knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Recommendations include: (1) creation of a network of linkage personnel, (2) correlation of linkage services with computer information retrieval, (3) maintenance of standardized unit-cost service records, (4) use of expertise to create new services and project future utilization. There are two appendixes and a 17 page bibliography. (NR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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