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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionCouncil for Cultural Cooperation, Strasbourg (France).
TitelCouncil for Cultural Cooperation and Cultural Fund. Annual Report 1974.
Quelle(1975), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Cultural Education; Cultural Exchange; Educational Development; Educational Programs; Faculty Mobility; Foreign Countries; Information Networks; Language Instruction; Preschool Education; Program Descriptions; Student Mobility
AbstractThis report summarizes programs, studies, and symposia conducted by the Council for Cultural Cooperation (CCC) to enhance communication and interaction on educational and cultural matters between the members of the Council of Europe. The first section describes activities undertaken to promote European interaction. These include (1) exchange agreements for teachers and students, (2) improved multi-media language programs, and (3) activities concerning equivalence of qualifications and mobility of students and college faculty. In the second section, "Co-operating in Remodeling Educational Systems," a long-range goal goal is defined as education extending over a lifetime. Activities at all levels of education are discussed, including pre-school, vocational, and adult education. This section also examines the coordination and cooperation in the production, development, and use of multi-media materials. The European Documentation and Information System for Education (EUDISED) is described in this section as an important means of facilitating idea sharing. The Committee for Educational Research is also discussed as an important part of the CCC's program in the area of research cooperation. The next four sections deal with cultural development. Art exhibitions, the management of cultural affairs and cultural promotion, sports, and youth centers are discussed. Appendixes are attached which list budgets, and publications and other materials published by or in conjunction with the Council. (CD)
AnmerkungenManhattan Publishing Company, 225 Lafayette Street, New York, New York 10012 (No price quoted)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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