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Autor/inConover, Craig R.
TitelA Study of the Reported Theory and Practice of Nonprint Software Media Selection.
Quelle(1974), (69 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudiovisual Aids; Content Analysis; Educational Media; Library Material Selection; Literature Reviews; Media Selection; Research Problems; State of the Art Reviews
AbstractThe selection of nonprint software media for library media center agencies, as reported by the literature of library service, instructional technology, and education was investigated. Eleven textbooks and eight research studies were selected for review. The books were analyzed for their contributions to a theory of media selection, while the research was reviewed for indications of actual practice. Overall, the literature was fragmentary and not subject to generalization. The texts laid down principles without a theoretical framework for media selection. The studies had an educational emphasis, ignoring comprehensive media collections. Scant empirical data precluded comparison of theory and practice. Available evidence suggests that in an educational context, the teacher assumes the greatest role in selection, with the personal preview method the recommended means of selection. Evidence supported the texts in portraying conditions of selection as highly varied. To provide a survey of current practice in nonprint selection, further research is recommended. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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