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Autor/inMorrison, Billy M.
TitelDeveloping an Economic Education Program for the Future. A Delphi Research Study.
Quelle, (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCourse Content; Economics; Economics Education; Educational Finance; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Futures (of Society); Instructional Materials; Prediction; Questionnaires; Teacher Background
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to facilitate the development of relevant and valid modes of economic education for future needs of our society. The Delphi forecasting method operated through the submission and successive iteration of three rounds of questionnaires to a wide range of specialists in economics and education and of community economic leaders. An advisory committee of 32 specialists made suggestions for implementation, and review and refinement of the questionnaires. The questions concerned the goals, cognitive elements, content, instructional materials and procedures, personnel, organization, and financing of economic education during the decades ahead. A few of the implications noted in the conclusion of the study include the following: that preservice and inservice teacher programs should be a goal; that cognitive elements should emphasize interrelationships; that the major areas of content now emphasized should continue in the future; that process rather than content should be emphasized; that personnel with broad based background and ability are needed; that the most effective type of organization would be one of affiliation with higher education institutions; and that there is little agreement on the best method of financing the economic education movement in the future. (Author/KSM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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