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Autor/inThanos, George E.
InstitutionVentura County Superintendent of Schools, CA.
TitelWork-Study Program Considerations for Students with Handicaps.
Quelle, (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Resources; Employment Opportunities; Exceptional Child Education; Handicapped Children; Program Design; Program Development; School Community Relationship; Secondary School Students; Special Education Teachers; Work Study Programs
AbstractPresented are recommendations for developing a secondary level work-study program for handicapped students. The recommendations given include provision for on-campus work training; opportunity for off-campus employment for students 16 years of age or older; employment placement based on readiness and need after assessment by the work-study coordinator, parents, and students; program development according to students' needs; and contact with students by a work-study coordinator who is both knowledgeable about special education and is given time for the coordinator role. Other suggestions are made such as scheduling for students to take part in extra curricular activities and regular class programs, organizing so that students can meet minimum requirements for graduation with a high school diploma, and integrating the classroom and work training program within the total curriculum structure. It is maintained that the program should involve as many school personnel as possible, that students should be placed selectively, that a task force of community leaders should be empowered to make decisions, and that the importance of evaluation should be communicated to employers, students, and parents. Stressed is the necessity for compliance with the education code and labor laws at each governmental level. Advised are a work-hour arrangement based on factors such as type and degree of handicap, health, school and home schedules, and employer need; and student pay at the minimum wage for off campus productive employment, and by class credit for employment during school hours. Emphasized is the crucial role of a professionally competent work-study coordinator in representing the school to the community. (MC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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