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Autor/inn/enDanner, Fred W.; Taylor, Arthur M.
InstitutionMinnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Research, Development, and Demonstration Center in Education of Handicapped Children.
TitelPictures and Relational Imagery Training in Children's Learning. Research Report #29.
Quelle(1971), (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAssociation (Psychology); Associative Learning; Children; Imagery; Learning Processes; Memory; Recall (Psychology); Symbolic Learning; Training Methods
AbstractThe study was designed to developmentally assess the effect of relational imagery training, unitized pictorial relations, and the combination of both on the recall of noun triplets by 120 first, third and sixth graders. In the unitized picture condition, relations were imposed by the experimenter, whereas the relational imagery training condition required that the child generate his own relations. Mean recall under the three experimental conditions was found to be from two to six times greater than that of a control group for grades one, three, and six. Relational imagery training (the generation of pictorial relations) was reported to be highly effective even with first grade children. By sixth grade, subject-generated relations provided higher mean recall than experimenter-imposed relations. It was suggested that encouraging young children to generate relations might help them to become more confident in their ability to improve their own learning efficiency. (For a related paper describing the above study, see ED 066 757). (Author/GW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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