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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionNew York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Secondary Curriculum Development.
TitelTeaching About India. A Guide for Ninth Grade Social Studies.
Quelle(1972), (182 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterArea Studies; Asian History; Case Studies; Cross Cultural Studies; Cultural Awareness; Grade 9; Induction; Non Western Civilization; Resource Materials; Secondary Education; Social Studies; Teaching Guides; India
AbstractThe teaching and resource guide on India for ninth grade students is intended to supplement and enrich "Social Studies 9: Asian and African Culture." It is designed as a flexible set of suggestions for incorporating concepts, understandings, objectives, strategies, and available materials. Emphasis is upon inductive methods which encourage conceptual learning through the inquiry approach rather than a factual summarizing of content. Data is provided for student analysis and comparison, several case studies are included, and a variety of reference material is presented throughout. Teaching modules provide models in utilizing the instructional material. The guide is arranged into four major sections. 1) "The Village: Suggestions For a Case Study." Teaching suggestions on Hinduism and a model for the study of a village, along with an annotated multimedia listing of village study kits and monographs, are provided. 2) "India's Goals: The Impossible Dream?" India's economy and related social structure based upon India's Third Year Plan is examined and analyzed through a teaching module technique. 3) "India Yesterday and Today." Modules presented relate to one or more of the understandings presented in the syllabus. 4) A bibliography of useful classroom materials is included. (SJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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