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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionNational Reading Center Foundation, Washington, DC.
TitelAdult Reading Development: An Information Awareness Service.
Quelle, (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Education; Audiovisual Aids; Community Cooperation; Educational Programs; Functional Literacy; Grade 5; Individual Development; Information Dissemination; Information Services; Learning Problems; Motivation Techniques; Remedial Reading; Student Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Time Factors (Learning); Tutoring
AbstractThe services of the National Reading Center are discussed from the point of view of its efforts to encourage literacy campaigns in business, industry, in health, welfare and correctional institutions, and in a wide range of voluntary and community organizations. An introduction to the work of Literacy Volunteers, Inc. (LitVol), is presented; this introduction is the first in a series on major partners in the national Right to Read effort. LitVol organizes and trains volunteers to teach reading on a one-to-one tutoring basic to functionally illiterate adults (those with less than fifth grade skills). Among the methods developed by LitVol are: heavy use of voluntary staff; organized recruitment plans for trainers and learners, aided by TV spots and other publicity materials; tutor training, using handbooks on organizing and instructional techniques, including audio-visual components; and methods for "matching" tutors and learners by personality and components. Advantages of one-to-one tutoring include: (1) Illiterate adults have often been frustrated in classrooms and generalize this experience to any group situation; (2) It is difficult to find a group, or even two adults at the same level, who, studying together, can learn at the same pace; (3) Personal tutoring can fit the instruction to the varying motives of the adult learner; and (4) Personal attention can often buck up the morale of the troubled learner. (CK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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