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Autor/inGarber, Malcolm
TitelThe Florida Parent Educator Program.
Quelle, (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttitude Change; Child Development; Cognitive Processes; Creative Expression; Educational Programs; Family Influence; Inquiry; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Models; Mothers; Objectives; Parent Child Relationship; Philosophy; Preschool Children; Psychomotor Skills; Teaching Methods; Young Children; Florida
AbstractThis paper describes the Florida Parent Educator Program as a component of Planned Variation Head Start. The program is currently being implemented in four communities embraces a philosophy of cognitive transactionalism, a philosophy molded by the work of Jean Piaget and others. This philosophy states that "the child is born with a set of sensory motor operations (or responses) to perform on his environment in order to know it himself." The major foundation upon which the program rests is the parent's presentation of materials which engage the child in learning activity. Tasks should have the following qualities: (1) The learner does a lot of talking; (2) The learner has fun doing the task; (3) The directions are clear enough that it can be taught by the mothering one; (4) Teacher and learner understand why they are performing the task; (5) The task encourages the teacher to use a lot of ways to teach; (6) Home materials are used; (7) The learner knows he has learned something; and (8) The learner is encouraged to think up new activities or things to do which grow out of the task. The broad objectives of the Parent Educator program are to develop educational competence in the child, enhance the cognitive development of the child, and help to generate a home atmosphere which will allow the child to be resilient to the demands which schools make on him. The program is more focused on the process employed by mothering ones when teaching their children than on the specific product outcome associated with any given task. (CK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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