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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enGordon, Ira J.; Guinagh, Barry J.
InstitutionFlorida Univ., Gainesville. Inst. for Development of Human Resources.
TitelA Home Learning Center Approach to Early Stimulation.
Quelle(1969), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCognitive Development; Data Collection; Economically Disadvantaged; Home Programs; Language Acquisition; Longitudinal Studies; Mothers; Nonprofessional Personnel; Parent Education; Personality Development; Preschool Children; Self Concept; Social Relations; Stimulation; Tables (Data)
AbstractThe overall aim of this project is to continue the investigation of the effectiveness and practicability of a home-centered technique for cognitive, language and personality development of mother and child to help break the proverty cycle. The plan represents an innovation in family services which, if effective, would extend the reach of the professional and, in the long run, reduce the needs for such services as participants become more capable of meeting their own needs. The home or "backyard" center is the home of a mother in the project, who comes from the disadvantaged population. Workload consists of four days (eight sessions) with children and one day of in-service educational training. Although aides and advocates are used in a variety of projects, the type of professional responsibility, decision making and role assignment of the non-professional in this project is unique. The research plan of the project, methods of procedure, treatment plan, development of materials, home center, and parent education are topics discussed in this report. (Author/MK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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