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Autor/inWesterman, R. Cecil
TitelLinguistic Evidence for the Mathematical Structure of Social Organization.
Quelle, (107 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnthropology; Cognitive Processes; Computers; Content Analysis; Cultural Education; Culture; Films; Interaction; Linguistics; Mathematics; Measurement Instruments; Personality; Psychology; Serial Ordering; Social Behavior; Social Relations; Sociology; Structural Analysis; Verbal Communication
AbstractThe instrument described in this paper investigates the models used by subjects to divide their social universe into two mutually exclusive systems of interaction. This is done by means of motion picture films which portray three geometric figures in action and elicit stories about animated beings as they move in social space from informants. The responses provide data on the relationship between language, culture, and personality. Two of the assumptions supported by the evidence are that culture is transmitted in two differential lines of transmission and that these two differential lines of transmission remain, for the mature adult, differentiated into two complementary and mutually-exclusive cognitive systems which can be identified by linguistic coding systems. The paper describes the instrument and the use of films. Details on administration, scoring, content analysis, computer use, and results are provided. Examples of full text responses are presented along with a discussion of implications and suggestions for further research. A bibliography is included. (Author/VM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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