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Autor/inn/enSwearingen, Mildred E.; und weitere
InstitutionFlorida State Univ., Tallahassee. Dept. of Educational Administration.
Titel[Institute Training Programs on Problems of School Desegregation: Interim Report, Final Report, and Followup Conference.]
Quelle(1966), (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterInstitutes (Training Programs); Intergroup Relations; Principals; Racial Relations; School Administration; School Desegregation; Florida
AbstractThe objectives of the Institute were to provide selected elementary school principals of North Florida, Southwest Georgia, and Southeast Alabama with information, insights, and skills necessary to cope with problems arising from school desegregation. The participants within the service area of Florida State University were involved in twenty formal training sessions of lectures, discussion, case studies, role playing, and individual study. In the concluding follow-up conference to the Institute programs there were three groups represented in separate institutes: elementary school principals, secondary school principals, and supervisors and curriculum specialists. The programs took place from September, 1965 through August, 1966. (Authors)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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