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Autor/inHedrick, B. C.
InstitutionGrambling Coll., LA.
TitelThe Afro-Brazilian Fetish Cults: Religious Syncretism.
Quelle3 (1967) 1, S.47-69 (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAfrican Culture; Black Studies; Christianity; Cultural Context; Cultural Education; Ethnic Studies; Latin American Culture; Poetry; Religious Cultural Groups; Religious Differences; Religious Factors; Sociocultural Patterns; Sociology; Tribes; Brazil
AbstractThis paper treats the Afro-Brazilian fetish cults found throughout Brazil and examines the syncretism of these cults with Catholicism. The religious practices of the "macumbas" (deities of the Afro-Brazilian cults), ritual music, and the ethnicity of the Negroes from both southern and northern Brazil are discussed. Frequently, excerpts of songs and poetry of the various cults are provided and analyzed. (RL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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