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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionSouth Dakota State Dept. of Public Instruction, Pierre.
TitelEvaluation Report, Fiscal Year 1970: Title I in South Dakota. Special Programs for Educationally Deprived Children.
Quelle(1970), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Achievement Gains; Community Involvement; Compensatory Education; Delinquent Rehabilitation; Disadvantaged Youth; Federal Programs; Handicapped Children; Handicapped Students; Inservice Education; Mental Retardation; Parent Participation; Program Evaluation; Standardized Tests; Teacher Aides; Teacher Education; Test Results; South Dakota
AbstractThis evaluation attempts to measure the extent and effectiveness of ESEA Title I programs designed to meet the needs of disadvantaged children and apprizes the public and the legislature of program outcomes. In keeping with USOE requirements for evaluating Title I programs, this document is constructed of (1) responses to USOE probes by questionnaire sequence, (2) applicable supplementary or background information, and (3) available related findings. Data were collected from interviews with selected personnel from the South Dakota State Department of Public Instruction; reaction reports from teachers, administrators, State ESEA Title I personnel, and university personnel; onsite visitations by Title I staff and university consultants; and evaluation supplement and narrative reports distributed to local educational agency Title I directors and activity directors. (EA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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