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Autor/inn/enOtto, Wayne; Askov, Eunice
TitelThe Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development.
Quelle(1971), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Behavioral Objectives; Criterion Referenced Tests; Elementary Education; Evaluation Methods; Instructional Design; Models; Reading Instruction; Reading Research; Reading Skills; Reading Tests; Research and Development Centers; Task Analysis; Teaching Methods; Test Validity
AbstractThe Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development is a vehicle for implementing a skills-centered approach to reading instruction. The components of the design are (1) management guidelines; (2) an essential skills list for six areas (word attack, comprehension, study skills, self-directed reading, interpretive reading, and creative reading) and behavioral objectives for each area; (3) instructional guidelines including a teacher's resource file; and (4) assessment measures which permit teachers to focus upon behaviors related to specific skills. Manuals are provided to assist with the implementation of the design. The design is supported by three kinds of empirical evidence: (1) reliability and validity investigations of the skills-related criterion-referenced tests (the individual tests were serving a purpose not met by the more formal group tests); (2) evidence that implementation of the design has a salutory effect on reading achievement (the comprehension and study skills phases of the design are yet to be implemented); and (3) data showing that teachers can realistically set and successfully pursue specific skill-attainment goals. Tables and references are included. (AW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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