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Autor/inStone, Chuck
TitelThe Psychology of Whiteness vs. the Politics of Blackness: An Educational Power Struggle.
Quelle(1971), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBlack Attitudes; Black Power; Compensatory Education; Culture Conflict; Educational Responsibility; Educationally Disadvantaged; Intelligence Tests; Majority Attitudes; Psychological Evaluation; Psychological Studies; Racism; Testing Problems
AbstractDuring an interview (Playboy magazine, April, 1971), actor John Wayne expressed certain educational theories and attitudes concerning American minority groups. His outlook is an authentic summary of the intellectual convictions of the vast majority of white Americans today. This "psychology of whiteness" is the academic explanation for the concept of racism. Scholars have historically amassed data which supported the concept of racial inequality. The black community has developed a massive disenchantment with integration, and has begun to move toward the "politics of blackness," which is not racist but affirms the right to survive. The racist term "disadvantaged" should be replaced by the term "disequalized" which more accurately reflects the condition of oppressed minority groups. There are other educational and psychological concepts which are equally demeaning and inaccurate, including many concepts in intelligence testing. Educational accountability will help to change some of the present educational criteria. Psychological research must also be redirected for improved contributions to human progress. (Author/DM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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