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Autor/inJohnson, Albert and Bertha
TitelDrama for Classroom and Stage.
Quelle(1969), (569 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcoustical Environment; Acting; Characterization; Creative Dramatics; Dance; Drama Workshops; Facilities; Music; Production Techniques; Prompting; Singing; Skits; Television; Theater Arts; Theaters
AbstractThis book with a three-part format contains information which the would-be thespian needs to know for maximum enjoyment and success in stage activities. The first part, "Heritage," traces the history and development of the theater from primitive ritual through the drama of classical Greece and Rome, the Renaissance, and modern Europe and America, concluding with a chapter on community and academic theaters. "Actors on Stage," the second part, provides a guide to all phases of acting--from stage deportment and pantomine to methods of acting--in addition to chapters on musicals, types of stages, make-up, and directing. The last part, "Theatricians on Stage and Off," deals with behind-the-scenes work--production, stage design, scenery, props, contumes, sound, publicity, and performance evaluation. (LH)
AnmerkungenA.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., Forsgate Dr., Cranbury, N.J. 08512 ($9.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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