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Autor/inn/enO'Dowd, Donald D.; Beardslee, David C.
InstitutionOakland Univ., Rochester, MI.
TitelDevelopment and Consistency of Student Images of Occupations.
Quelle(1967), (316 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttitude Change; Career Guidance; College Faculty; College Students; Employed Women; High School Students; Interests; Longitudinal Studies; Professional Occupations; Profiles; Questionnaires; Social Psychology; Socioeconomic Status; Student Attitudes; Values; Work Attitudes
AbstractThis study of the images of occupations is based on the assumption that the world of work is of primary importance to young people choosing a career. Data were collected by use of the occupations questionnaire which was designed so that a respondent was asked to rate each of 15 occupations, on 34 two-ended, seven-point rating scales. The target population was students involved directly in college education, and the verbal system is that associated with the titles of major high-level professions and occupations. The marked agreement between all groups of subjects indicates that all college and university students in the United States share in one main system of beliefs about the higher level occupational world, and that the images are formed in early pre-high school years. Detailed analyses and charts support the many specific hypotheses and explorations.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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