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Autor/inn/enBrison, David W.; Bereiter, Carl
TitelAcquisition of Conservation of Substance in Normal, Retarded, and Gifted Children.
Quelle(1967), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Abstract Reasoning; Associative Learning; Cognitive Development; Cognitive Processes; Cognitive Tests; Concept Formation; Conservation (Concept); Exceptional Child Research; Gifted; Intelligence; Learning Theories; Logical Thinking; Mental Retardation; Programed Instruction; Retention (Psychology); Students; Test Results
AbstractThirty-seven normal and 33 gifted children from kindergarten classes and 26 retarded children from special classes with mean mental ages of 76 months, 80 months, and 72 months respectively, were initially tested for their understanding of the terms more, same, and less. All who had failed conservation of substance pretests using juice, sand, clay, and paper were then put through a programed five-stage sequence of conservation training with posttesting after each stage. When a child exhibited conservation with all four materials, he was given two extinction questions which tested the stability of the conservation concept. The main differences between groups were on errors during training, extinction, and explanations. Retardates were significantly more susceptible to extinction of conservation responses (p .05) and further study is suggested since this would make a difference in performance if retarded children come out of learning experiences with empirical hypotheses and normal ones with logical certainties. However, no relationship was found between general intelligence level and intuitive concept formation. Eleven tables and a 15-item bibliography are given. (SN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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