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Autor/UrheberDorota Klimecka-Tatar; Kamila Kowalik
InstitutionNicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland - University Sports Center
TitelThe determinants of quality and satisfaction in the opinion of small medical service enterprises' customers – the chosen problems.
QuelleIn: 2450-6605; doi:10.12775/19276; Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport, Vol 5, Iss 1, Pp 78-89 (2019)(2019)
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Schlagwörtermedical service; satisfaction; services; service quality; Special aspects of education; Sports; GV557-1198.995; Psychology
AbstractThe objective of the article is to identify the determinants of service quality and satisfaction in the opinion of small medical service enterprises' customers. The first part contains literature review in the field of service quality and the satisfaction as its important factor. Afterwards, the results of empirical research have been presented. Anonymous survey was conducted among customers of small medical service enterprises. The questionnaire regarding the significance assessment of chosen determinants of satisfaction, which respondents made using Likert scale, indicated that particular factors influence the quality and satisfaction of medical service provided by small enterprises to a different extent.
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