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Autor/inSchneider-Gilot, Maggy
TitelQuand le courant pédagogique "des compétences" empêche une structuration des enseignements autour de l´étude et de la classification de questions.
Paralleltitel: When educational trends regarding " learning skills " prevent the structuring of teaching methods based on studying and classifying main issues.
QuelleIn: Revue française de pédagogie, 2 (2006) 154, S. 85-96Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0056-7807; 0556-7807
SchlagwörterKompetenz; Evaluation; Lernprozess; Wissenserwerb; Beispiel; Didaktik; Mathematik; Interdisziplinarität; Belgien; Europa
AbstractWhen the "competence-based" pedagogical movement prevents a clear organisation of the curriculum based on the study and the classification of connected questions. This article shows and analyses a phenomenon connected with the pedagogical approach based on "competences": by deciding to lay the emphasis on skills which are common to several subjects (multidisciplinary approach), the myth of transfer leads to the disappearance of epistemological specificities and hence to a phenomenon of "decategorisation" of the different school subjects. The facts which have been analysed refer to several subjects (mainly mathematics, history and sciences) as well as to multidisciplinary contexts. They have been observed in Belgium but can certainly hold true in other countries. (DIPF/orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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