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Autor/inFellows, Marcus A.
InstitutionManhattan Institute for Policy Research
TitelNew York City's Charter Schools: What the Research Shows. Report
Quelle(2018), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Charter Schools; Program Effectiveness; Urban Schools; School Effectiveness; Public Schools; Academic Achievement; Governance; Educational Resources; Low Achievement; Competition; Effect Size; Educational Quality; Student Attrition; Student Characteristics; New York (New York)
AbstractThis report evaluates the current state of research on New York City charter schools. Overall, their effect on student performance is unambiguously positive.The research however, is more dated and limited in scope than proponents and critics of charters appreciate. While the research on charter schools across the U.S. is growing, this paper focuses exclusively on studies that evaluate one or more aspects of New York City charter schools. This focus is important because the characteristics and effects of charter schools vary from city to city and, indeed, from charter to charter. Highlights of the key findings include: (1) Students who attend a New York City charter instead of a traditional public school do much better on math tests and somewhat better on English language arts (ELA) tests; (2) New York City charter schools are not equally effective; (3) New York City charters operated by a charter management organization appear to be more effective than other charters, on average; (4) Differences in resources do not explain differences in effectiveness between charter schools and traditional public schools or between charters in New York City; (5) There is no evidence that New York City charter schools systematically push out low-performing students; and (6) Competition from New York City charter schools has either no effect, or a positive effect, on the performance of students in the nearby traditional public schools. The empirical research evaluating New York City's charter school sector is not perfect. It is not however ambiguous, either: charter schools have had positive effects on the students whom they educate, and they have had a positive or no effect on the quality of the city's traditional public schools. Much of the existing evidence should be updated to ensure that the effects found in earlier studies have remained, even as the sector has expanded rapidly. More research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms that produce these (largely) positive effects, the broader impact that charters have had on students and the city, and whether the lessons that we have learned about the charter sector might improve New York's traditional public schools. Future areas for research are suggested. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenManhattan Institute for Policy Research. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Tel: 212-599-7000; Fax: 212-599-3494; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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