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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAdelaide Univ. (Australia).
TitelGraduate Education. Advisory Centre Occasional Papers in University Education.
Quelle(1979), (48 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Tagungsbericht; Articulation (Education); College Role; Comparative Education; Doctoral Degrees; Educational Objectives; Employment Opportunities; Foreign Countries; Graduate Students; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Industry; Masters Degrees; Needs Assessment; Research Methodology; Research Projects; Research Skills; Seminars; Trend Analysis
AbstractFour papers presented at a seminar on graduate education sponsored by the Advisory Centre for University Education at The University of Adelaide and the Flinders University Educational Research Unit in Australia are presented. In "Teaching and Learning in Graduate Education: An Overview," Robert Cannon provides a background summary of developments and thinking about graduate education in Australia, Britain, and the United States. This paper has been revised in view of more recently published statistics, articles, and reports. In "Graduate Education: Some Issues," D. R. Stranks questions whether the assumptions often made about graduate education are appropriate for the 1980s. These questions are raised within the context of student, university, and employment constraints. In"Graduate Education: A View From Industry," G. R. R. Mawer draws attention to the limited mutual appeal of industry and people with postgraduate qualifications, and suggests that their educational experience must be broadened to enable them to cope with work in industrial environments. In "Postgraduate 'Training': Education or Indoctrination?," W. P. Rogers argues for the broadening of the education of Ph.D. students and advances arguments for altering the process of Ph.D. teaching to include seminars, coursework and broader areas of research involving a variety of methods, supervisors, and disciplines. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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