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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enSeiferth, Berniece B.; Samuel, Marie
TitelA Survey of Attitudinal Changes of Student Teachers in Fine Arts.
Quelle(1979), (12 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterArt Education; Classroom Environment; Classroom Techniques; Conformity; Cooperating Teachers; Educational Attitudes; Higher Education; Interpersonal Competence; Preservice Teacher Education; Student Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Behavior
AbstractResults of a survey to determine the attitudes of student teachers toward 20 educational concepts before and after their student teaching experience are reported. The concepts were divided into three subgroups: attitudes toward interpersonal behaviors, techniques and methods, and classroom structure. Ten student teachers in fine arts as well as ten experienced teachers responded to pre- and posttests. Attitudes of student teachers were compared with those of veteran teachers to ascertain the amount of agreement on educational concepts. In terms of classroom structure, student teachers believed most strongly that their own punctuality and attendance were important. They also believed it was necessary to adhere to general school policy and that teacher and student evaluation of their work was necessary; their views on strict discipline were neutral. In evaluating techniques and methods, student teachers believed most strongly that field trips were valuable, but were neutral about lecturing and using various materials and teaching techniques. In terms of interpersonal behaviors, student teachers agreed that enthusiasm on the part of the teacher, reinforcement of students' artistic attempts, and rapport between students and teachers aided in the teaching of art. Scores of both student and experienced teachers were similar, although the classroom teachers' means on nearly all items were higher than those of student teachers. The conclusion was that perhaps classroom teachers need to discuss more of their attitudes about the importance of educational concepts with their student teachers. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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