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Autor/inReid, Alan D.
TitelChanging Australian education.
How policy is taking us backwards and what can be done about it.
QuelleLondon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (2020)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781003115144; 1003115144; 9781000252743 (E-Book (Mobi)); 1000252744 (E-Book (Mobi)); 9781000256451 (EPUB); 1000256456 (EPUB); 9781000248999 (PDF); 1000248992 (PDF); 9781760875206
SchlagwörterAustralien; Curriculum planning; Australia; Education; Curricula; Educational accountability; Education and state; EDUCATION; Educational Policy & Reform; General; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractINTRODUCTION: A tale of two policy discoursesPART ONE: The current state of Australian education policy, and why it must change 1. Neoliberalism comes to Australian education2. The damaging effects of current education policy directionsPART TWO: What are the problems?3. Taking the public out of public education4. Standardised testing and its problems: A case study of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)5. Evidence-based policy: The use and abuse of research6. Outside influences on education policyPART THREE: Changing the educational narrative7. The perils of ignoring the purposes of education 8. Towards a process for thinking about futures for Australian education9. Using the process: A case study of the fourth industrial revolutionPART FOUR: New policy directions for Australian education10. New curriculum directions11. New pedagogical directions12. New directions in system-wide and school-based culturesEPILOGUE: Towards a new narrative for Australian educationGLOSSARYACKNOWLEDGEMENTSREFERENCES. Australian education policy for the past 40 years has been heading in the wrong direction and is entirely unsuitable for preparing young people for the 21st century. Exaggeration? Sadly not. For a teacher, there is nothing more exhilarating than encouraging young people to realise the power of learning. But in our schools today, teachers spend so much time preparing their students for high-stakes tests, gathering data and filling in forms, that many of them feel like the life has been squeezed out of their role. Schooling has been turned into a market, and school leaders are forced to spend precious time and resources competing with other schools. Their professional experience is disregarded as policy makers turn to the corporate world and self-appointed commentators to determine curriculum and school funding. The outcome? Our schooling system is becoming more segregated; children from poorer backgrounds are falling behind; public schools are starved of funds; and good teachers are leaving. One of the most highly regarded educational leaders in Australia, Alan Reid, argues it's time to reconsider the purposes of education, the capacities we need for the future, and the strategies that will get us there. He outlines a new narrative for Australian schooling that is futures-focused and prizes flexibility, adaptability, collaboration and agility, with students, teachers and school communities at centre-stage.'A provocative and persuasive argument for the necessity of a new narrative for Australian schooling so as to meet better the demonstrable demands of the twenty-first century ... ' - Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard, The University of Queensland 'At the heart of the book is a penetrating critique of neoliberalism and the damaging effects it is having on education and society. It should be essential reading for policy makers, educators, parents, and anyone interested in the current state of Australian education.' - Professor Barry Down, Murdoch University
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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