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Autor/inConley, David T.
TitelThe promise and practice of next generation assessment.
QuelleCambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press (2018), VI, 298 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAssessment, accountability, and achievement series Assessment, accountability, & achievement series
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781682531976; 9781682531983
SchlagwörterUSA; Competency-based educational tests; United States; Educational tests and measurements; Educational accountability; Test bias; Academic achievement; Testing; Education; Evaluation; Standards; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractChapter 1. Why a next generation of educational assessments?: new ways of thinking about the nature, role, and purpose of data -- Chapter 2. Comparing current and next generation assessments: underlying theories of learning and key elements -- Chapter 3. Principles of next generation assessments, part 1: student-centered principles -- Chapter 4. Principles of next generation assessments, part 2: school-centered principles -- Chapter 5. Creating next generation portraits of learners: who i am, how i learn, what i know -- Chapter 6. Next generation systems of assessment: examples, programs, and case studies from the field -- Chapter 7. Challenges and opportunities: integrating next generation assessments at the classroom, school, and district level -- Chapter 8. Implementation strategies for next generation assessments: key steps for putting changes into practice -- Chapter 9. -- College and career readiness profiles: compiling information from next generation assessments -- Chapter 10. The imperative for change. The book provides practical explanation and guidance to nontechnical readers who want to expand the range of assessments used in schools, beyond multiple choice tests to newer, more experimental measures that can provide a fuller portrait of students' interests, capacities, and learning.--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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