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Autor/inMcArdle, Michele
TitelLessons for Community College Leaders in the Development of a Cooperative Learning Community
QuelleIn: Visions, 6 (2010) 1, S.18-19 (2 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterIntegrated Curriculum; Social Support Groups; Program Development; Community Colleges; Academic Achievement; Community Programs; Cooperative Learning; Teaching Methods; Higher Education; Two Year Colleges; College Faculty; Social Networks; Personnel Integration; Leaders; Learning Style Inventory
AbstractTeng's (2007) article entitled "Lessons Learned from Initiating a Community College Learning Community Program" provided a foundation for community college leaders who are interested in working with faculty in creating a learning community on campus. Teng (2007) listed the five lessons that may be useful guidelines to other colleges who are about to embark on this endeavor. The five lessons are: (1) Solicit faculty input during the planning stage; (2) Assess the campus culture prior to formulating the goals of the program; (3) Manage the conflict of interests among divisions; (4) Create broad participation in program development; and (5) Specify roles and responsibilities of program staff. The lessons learned from Teng's (2007) community college project were similar to some of the lessons learned from a similar project at a small campus of a large metropolitan community college. This second project, the cooperative learning community (CLC), had a unique twist to the usual concept of a learning community: linking, pairing, or clustering courses. The four program objectives of the CLC were to: (1) Assist students so they achieve academic success; (2) Help students establish academic and social support networks; (3) Encourage faculty integration and development of an integrated curriculum; and (4) Bring faculty, staff, and students together in meaningful ways. The CLC had a positive impact on campus culture by enabling the professionals to find new meaning and a sense of purpose to their work. It was a powerful tool that infused passion in everyday campus life. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAssociation of Florida Colleges. 113 East College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Tel: 850-222-3222; Fax: 850-222-2327; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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