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Autor/inn/enFific, Mario; Little, Daniel R.; Nosofsky, Robert M.
TitelLogical-Rule Models of Classification Response Times: A Synthesis of Mental-Architecture, Random-Walk, and Decision-Bound Approaches
QuelleIn: Psychological Review, 117 (2010) 2, S.309-348 (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterVisual Stimuli; Models; Classification; Probability; Reaction Time; Prediction; Decision Making; Cognitive Processes; Logical Thinking; Undergraduate Students; Attention; Psychological Studies; Indiana
AbstractWe formalize and provide tests of a set of logical-rule models for predicting perceptual classification response times (RTs) and choice probabilities. The models are developed by synthesizing mental-architecture, random-walk, and decision-bound approaches. According to the models, people make independent decisions about the locations of stimuli along a set of component dimensions. Those independent decisions are then combined via logical rules to determine the overall categorization response. The time course of the independent decisions is modeled via random-walk processes operating along individual dimensions. Alternative mental architectures are used as mechanisms for combining the independent decisions to implement the logical rules. We derive fundamental qualitative contrasts for distinguishing among the predictions of the rule models and major alternative models of classification RT. We also use the models to predict detailed RT-distribution data associated with individual stimuli in tasks of speeded perceptual classification. (Contains 14 footnotes, 14 tables, and 14 figures.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAmerican Psychological Association. Journals Department, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. Tel: 800-374-2721; Tel: 202-336-5510; Fax: 202-336-5502; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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