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Autor/inGaillard, Trudy
TitelFaith-Based Adult Learning Initiatives for Diabetes Education in the African American Community
QuelleIn: Adult Learning, 18 (2006) 1-2, S.6-8 (3 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAfrican Americans; African American Community; At Risk Persons; Health Promotion; Diabetes; Religion; Adult Learning; Religious Factors; Church Role; Churches; Church Programs; Educational Methods; Culturally Relevant Education; Life Style; Prevention; Health Behavior; United States
AbstractHistorically, religion and spirituality have been major influences in the social, cultural, and political lives of African Americans. Spirituality is deeply embedded into their rich cultural heritage, and it is intertwined into all aspects of their life, including beliefs about health and illness. For African Americans, health and illness are a dynamic entity, governed by body, mind, and soul. Therefore, it is imperative that any adult learning initiatives include the importance of cultural dynamics. Religion provides individuals with a shared world view that they come to experience as persuasive and meaningful. Given its historical and ongoing role within the African American community, the church offers an ideal setting for health promotion and prevention activities as well as religious educational opportunities. Despite the overall health of the United States population having improved over the past two decades, diabetes has reached epidemic proportions among African Americans and contributes significantly to higher morbidity and mortality rates in this population. Diabetes self-care management is the key to good glucose control. Lifestyle modifications, such as positive changes in dietary or nutritional practices along with increased levels of daily physical activity, are among the principal strategies recommended for controlling diabetes. However, few studies have included the importance of faith, religion, or spirituality in these interventions. This article highlights the roles of religion, faith, and the church in the education and management of adult type 2 diabetes. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Association for Adult and Continuing Education. 10111 Martin Luther King Jr. Highway Suite 200C, Bowie, MD 20720. Tel: 301-459-6261; Fax: 301-459-6241; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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