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Autor/inMartynova, E. A.
TitelThe System for Teaching Handicapped Students at Cheliabinsk State University
QuelleIn: Russian Education and Society, 47 (2005) 7, S.33-40 (8 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPhysical Disabilities; College Students; Grouping (Instructional Purposes); Higher Education; Socialization; Foreign Countries; High School Graduates; Inclusive Schools; Educational Methods; Teaching Methods; Grade Point Average; Academic Achievement; Education Work Relationship; Comparative Analysis; Russia
AbstractExperience in teaching handicapped students at Cheliabinsk State University shows that the effectiveness of the work depends on how fully the systemic approach is realized in it. In this article, the author traces the history of the development of the system from its formation. The author discusses the different systems for teaching, from using a special class schedule which led to different changes in the form of instruction, and organization of instruction. Among other things, the author analyzes the effectiveness of the system through indicators that: (1) relate to the development of the pedagogical system; and (2) relate to the accomplishment of the goal. The grade-point averages of the handicapped students have remained steadily high, approaching a grade of "good" [B]. At the present time, out of 147 handicapped students at Cheliabinsk State University 23 are making grades of "good" and "excellent," and 18 are earning only "excellent," adding up to almost 28 percent. Cheliabinsk State University has had five graduating classes of handicapped students. The university has graduated forty-four specialists from seven faculties. Eight of the graduates have been awarded diplomas "with distinction." Since graduation, four of the graduates have enrolled in graduate school at Cheliabinsk State University, and two have acquired a second higher education. Twenty-three graduates have been placed in jobs in enterprises, institutions, and organizations of Cheliabinsk and Cheliabinsk Oblast. Two graduates are working in other countries (a specialist in mathematics and a specialist in physics). Hence, 66 percent of the graduates have been placed in jobs. The pedagogical system of higher education for people who have limited physical abilities at Cheliabinsk State University has been functioning steadily and effectively and has been meeting the objective of providing socialization for people with limited physical abilities and getting them integrated into the socium. (Contains 3 tables.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenM. E. Sharpe, Inc. 80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, NY 10504. Tel: 800-541-6563; Fax: 914-273-2106; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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