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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelChronicle of Higher Education. Volume 51, Number 13, November 19, 2004
Quelle51 (2004) 13
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Water; Environmental Research; Higher Education; College Faculty; Private Colleges; Foreign Students; Teacher Dismissal; Intellectual Property; Family Life; Evolution; Teacher Recruitment; Crime; Public Colleges; Cancer; Teacher Salaries; Nursing Homes; Study Abroad; College Admission; Womens Athletics; Electronic Mail; Guam; Philippines; Spain
Abstract"Chronicle of Higher Education" presents an abundant source of news and information for college and university faculty members and administrators. This November 19, 2004 issue of "Chronicle for Higher Education" includes the following articles: (1) "Mr. Water" (Zaragoza); (2) "Philippine Government Shuts Down 23 Nursing Programs" (Overland, Martha Ann); (3) "Get Out of the Country, Please" (Bollag, Burton); (4) "The Education of Lloyd Thacker" (Hoover, Eric); (5) "Women's Athletics Departments Verge on Extinction" (Suggs, Welch); (6) "College in Guam Takes Controversial Approach to Blocking Spam" (Carnevale, Dan); (7) "In the Copyright Wars, This Scholar Sides with the Anarchists" (Carlson, Scott); (8) "The Highest-Paid Leaders and Employees at Private Institutions"; (9) "Proving Presidential Worth" (Basinger, Jullianne); (10) "Compensation of Public-College Presidents"; (11) "High Pay, Hard Questions" (Basinger, Jullianne); (12) "Cancer, Children, and Career" (Henderson, Heike); (13) "The Drama Behind the Job Ad" (Bugeja, Michael); (14) "Jude Dismisses Challenge to Columbia Patent on a Biotechnology Technique" (Blumenstyk, Goldie); (15) "When Administrators Marry" (Jacobson, Jennifer); (16) "Private Colleges Peddle Their Public Mission" (Hebel, Sara); (17) "The Lost Tribe: New Finds Show that Neanderthals Were Smarter Than We Thought" (Woodard, Colin); (18) "Professor Who Disclosed Felony Convictions Is Fired" (Smallwood, Scott); (19) "Flip-Flop over Faculty Fingerprints" (Walsh, Sharon); and (20) "Enrollment of Foreign Students Drops in U.S." (Bollag, Burton). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenChronicle of Higher Education, 1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20037. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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