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Autor/inn/enMayoral, Maria Victoria; Noguera, Pedro Antonio; Ray, Aisha; Maparyan, Layli; Hogan, Lauren
TitelChanging Policy to Achieve Equity for Infants and Toddlers
QuelleIn: ZERO TO THREE, 35 (2015) 3, S.31-35 (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInfants; Toddlers; Early Intervention; Cultural Relevance; Cultural Awareness; At Risk Persons; Research; Equal Education; Early Childhood Education; Educational Quality; Educational Policy; Brain; Child Development; Family Involvement
AbstractZERO TO THREE's (ZTT) mission is to ensure that all babies have a strong start in life. The mission is intentionally inclusive of "all babies," because ZTT envisions a society with the knowledge and will to support all infants and toddlers in reaching their full potential. In recognition of a "strong start," ZTT strives to ensure that each and every child has good health, strong families, and positive early learning experiences (ZERO TO THREE, 2009). It is essential that children experience these from the very beginning because these experiences will lay the foundation for success throughout their lives and will help either perpetuate or dissipate inequities that humans face, even before they are born. In the quest to fulfill its mission, ZTT continuously strives to become more culturally competent, inclusive, and equitable. ZTT staff members use a shared definition of equity and cultural competence which informs our shared understanding of these goals and guides our priorities and partnerships. This article details the definitions and key questions which guide ZTT's approach in this area. Questions and answers presented to each of the authors, are followed by individual references. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenZERO TO THREE. 1255 23rd Street NW Suite 350, Washington, DC 20037. Tel: 800-899-4301; Tel: 202-638-1144; Fax: 202-638-0851; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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