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Autor/inBinder, Libuse
InstitutionJFF (Jobs for the Future)
TitelToward the Big Blur: Momentum and Progress in Colorado
Quelle(2023), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Policy; Educational Policy; Education Work Relationship; Credentials; Career Development; Secondary Education; Postsecondary Education; Accountability; Alignment (Education); Governance; Work Experience Programs; Dual Enrollment; Colorado
AbstractColorado is a state primed for blurring the lines between secondary, postsecondary, and workforce policies and programs to serve Colorado's young people better. The state has a growing economy, political leadership committed to advancing innovative, affordable education pathways, and a commitment from state agencies and state-based advocates that every high school student in Colorado graduate with credentials of value to ensure they can pursue education and training opportunities that will lead to economic advancement. In this first in a series of case studies featuring leading-edge states, Jobs for the Future (JFF) documents key policies that Colorado is putting into place to erase the arbitrary boundaries between high school, college, and the world of work and open the opportunity for all young adults to move along a path toward a postsecondary credential and preparation for a career. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenJobs for the Future. 88 Broad Street 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02110. Tel: 617-728-4446; Fax: 617-728-4857; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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