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Autor/inn/enInandi, Yusuf; Tunc, Binali; Kilavuz, Türkü
TitelWomen's Career Barriers and Profesional Alienation: The Teachers' Case in Turkey
Quelle10 (2018) 3, S.133-146 (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterFemales; Career Choice; Barriers; Alienation; Equal Opportunities (Jobs); Sex Stereotypes; Family Work Relationship; Teacher Attitudes; Teaching (Occupation); Working Hours; Age Differences; Economic Factors; Marital Status; Gender Differences; Sex Fairness; Foreign Countries; Secondary School Teachers; Measures (Individuals); Sex Role; Career Development; Turkey
AbstractIn this study, the relationship between career barriers of women teachers and their alienation to the teaching is examined. Although the number of women teachers was close to the male teachers in the study, the reasons leading to the decrease in the number of women teachers in the administrational career steps were taken as career barriers. The study group consists of 728 teachers working in public schools in central districts (Mezitli, Yenisehir, Toroslar and Akdeniz) of Mersin. Data were collected through "Women Employees' Career Barriers Scale" (WECBS) by Inandi (2009) and "Alienation Scale" (AS) by Elma (2003). It was revealed that there is a linear relationship between women teachers' career barriers and alienation, and also, career barriers have predictive power on alienation, though at a low level. Research results show that all the women teachers accept the presence of career barriers. Women teachers' career barriers are sorted according to their predictive power as "domestic barriers, social gender stereotypes, women's viewpoint of career, education, working hours, age, economic reasons and marital status, and school-environment barriers". Women teachers are most influenced by domestic barriers. In other words, women teachers are expecting the most support from their families during career development. On the other hand, social gender stereotypes are still influential in teaching profession, which brings about negative consequences for women. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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